The best garden furniture

For maximum comfort

Relaxing in the garden or immersing yourself in a good book allows you to take a break from everyday stress for a few hours. However, this requires garden furniture that is comfortable and convenient. Get an overview here and be inspired by the best models.
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Deck chairs

Folding deck chairs are the classics among garden furniture. They also have the advantage that they do not require a fixed location and can be quickly put away. A small shelf that you can attach to the side increases their comfort, as they offer space for a drink, the newspaper and the smartphone.


Hammocks were used as sleeping arrangements in Latin America even before Christopher Columbus. In Europe, they were in use in the English Navy as a space-saving place for sailors to sleep. Today they belong to must-have garden furniture. Depending on the size of the hammock, there is room for one to two people. But there are also models for families.

Fabric Hammock

This hammock includes double hammock, a space-saving heavy duty steel stand, and a carrying case.


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Rocking chair

Closing your eyes and gently rocking up and down promises pure relaxation. Rocking chairs come in a wide variety of shapes and materials. If you don't want to miss out on gentle rocking even in winter, it's best to choose a model that's optimized for indoors.

Hollywood swing

The Hollywood swing does not originate from the film city of the same name, but it became famous in Europe through films from this city. That is why in the USA the garden furniture is called porch swing. The Hollywood swing achieved its breakthrough in the 1950s. From the 1980s, it became quiet about the comfortable seating, because it was considered a relic of another time. Today, it is once again one of the must-haves in the garden. Porch swings come in a wide variety of designs. They range from plain to the gaudy patterns and colors of the 1960s and 70s. What all models have in common is that they are roofed. This is because the roof is the typical feature of this garden furniture. The size of Hollywood swings varies. Depending on the design, the seating furniture can accommodate one to three people. Veranda-Schaukel gibt es in den unterschiedlichsten Designs. Sie reichen von schlicht bis zu den knalligen Mustern und Farben der 1960er und 70er Jahren. Gemeinsam ist allen Modellen, dass sie überdacht sind. Denn das Dach ist das typische Merkmal dieses Gartenmöbels. Die Größe von Hollywood-Schaukeln ist unterschiedlich. Je nach Ausführung finden ein bis drei Personen auf dem Sitzmöbel Platz.

Hollywood Swing

The perfect spot to enjoy a sunny afternoon in the garden!


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Lounge furniture

Lounge furniture today is a must-have for the garden and terrace. In smaller and compact form, the space is enough even for the balcony. The frames are usually made of polyrattan or wicker. The removable cushions are monochromatic light or dark, which emphasizes the exclusive character of the furniture. If space allows, it is recommended to buy a lounge set. These consist of a sofa, chair and table. Whether you choose a normal lounge sofa or a corner couch depends on the size of your terrace. It is important that the garden furniture has space. If they stand closely packed next to each other, they do not lose their comfort, but they look less exclusive. Once the summer is over, lounge furniture made of polyrattan can also be left outside for the winter. So you only need a place for cushions. However, you must not use them in this case, because the load can break the material. Keep in mind that animals also have the necessary weight to damage the furniture. Therefore, it is recommended to cover the garden furniture in winter and remove snow from it. Ist der Sommer vorbei, können Loungemöbel aus Polyrattan auch draußen überwintern. So brauchst du nur einen Platz für Auflagen. Allerdings darfst du sie in diesem Fall nicht benutzen, denn durch die Belastung kann das Material brechen. Bedenke dabei, dass auch Tiere das notwendige Gewicht haben, um den Möbeln zu schaden. Deshalb empfiehlt es sich, die Gartenmöbel im Winter abzudecken und von Schnee zu befreien.

Here you will find a selection of lounge furniture:
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Large Fire Pit

A traditional round-shaped fire pit bowl, perfect for outdoor use in your garden, patio, or deck.


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Rattan Garden Furniture

This elegant 4 seater woven rattan sofa is perfect for patios, lawns or other indoor and outdoor spaces.


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Garden Furniture Covers

These garden furniture covers are waterproof and made of heavy duty Oxford fabric, so that they effectively protect your garden furniture against heavy rain, wind and snow, dirt or dust.


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